Morning Worship Service
August 02, 2026 from 10:30 am - 11:45 am
Welcome to Redeemer East Side's Sunday morning worship services!
We offer one morning service at 10:30am in our new church building at 150 E 91st Street. A typical service is approximately 75-80 minutes long. Morning services feature classical music.
Children's Ministry programming is available during the service.
Receive personal prayer from a deacon or deaconess after any Sunday service. You do not need to fill out a care request form or call the helpline number; simply come to the front where they are waiting to welcome and pray with you. Look for red name tags. In addition on Communion Sundays once a month, elders are also available for physical healing prayer. Look for red name tags.
Online worship is available on our YouTube channel. The service will be live-streamed and available throughout the week.
150 E 91st Street (91st & Lex)
Hector Sanchez
Contact Email:
[email protected]