Citywide Prayer for Healthcare Workers
May 04, 2020 from 8:30 pm - 9:30 pmHealthcare workers across the city have been hit hard by the COVID-19 outbreak. As they battle this virus on the frontlines, they face an increased risk of infection, an inadequate supply of PPE, an unusually high demand to work longer hours, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Sadly, some are suffering the ultimate price: several days ago, Dr. Lorna M. Breen, a top E.R. doctor in Manhattan took her own life.
In light of these increasing burdens, and part of a larger effort to support those in the industry, we will take some time to pray for and with healthcare workers across the city for healing, strength, hope, and fortitude. If you are a healthcare worker, or if you would like to pray for healthcare workers, then join us for this event. The evening will include:
> Listening to nurses and doctors and their prayer needs
> Reflections on lament
> Liturgies of hope
> Praying through the psalms
> Open prayer time
This is a citywide event and open to Redeemerites and non-Redeemerites.
Redeemer Center for Faith & Work
Contact Email:
[email protected]