Clothing Closet Outreach w/All Angels' Church
February 18, 2021 from 10:00 am - 12:30 pmRedeemer West Side is partnering with All Angels' Church to hold a clothing closet for women in the community, many of whom are homeless. This will be an opportunity for these women to "shop" for free clothes that have been donated from this past winter.
This event will take place inside All Angels' Church in their Palmer Hall, complete with social distancing, masks, and gloves. Three women at a time will shop in the space, and the items will be divided across the room for distribution.
We are looking for 8 volunteers to serve for at least one of two shifts: 10-11 am or 11-12:30 pm. Women, men, and older youth can all volunteer, and children are also welcome to serve alongside their parents. Our pastor of mercy and justice, Paul Yoo, will be there to lead along with All Angels' staff.
All Angels' Church
Paul Yoo
Contact Email:
[email protected]