Redeemer-Wide Women's Retreat
March 06, 2020 from 6:30 pm - 4:00 pmHeart posture refers to an inner attitude, the way we see, feel, and approach God. On March 6 and 7, Redeemer West Side is hosting Paige Benton Brown who will take us on a journey through 1 Samuel. In this book of the Bible, she’ll direct our attention to the heart postures of Hannah, Samuel, Eli and The People of Israel. As we look at these four examples, you’ll be encouraged to become aware of your own heart and how you position yourself in relation to God, accept the reality of where your heart is, confess to God, and trust that through his Holy Spirit your posture can change.
W83 Ministry Center; 150 W. 83rd St.
Jenny Yun
Contact Email:
[email protected]