Theology in the City

February 05, 2025 from 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Theology in the City is a study of the Reformed faith through the teachings of the Westminster Confession of Faith, as well as the Westminster Larger & Shorter Catechisms. Through this study, we will not only consider the teachings of the Confession—a confession that has proven faithful to biblical teaching for nearly 400 years—but also how these doctrines apply to everyday life.

Additionally, the content of this class will serve as foundational teaching in all church elder and deek training. Please note: there is expected reading in the Westminster Confession of Faith, Concise Theology, and Westminster Larger & Shorter Catechisms each week.

Redeemer East Harlem, 109 E. 116th St. (between Lex + Park)

Rich McCaskill

Contact Email:
[email protected]
