WS Virtual Class | Songs for the Road
May 20, 2020 from 8:30 pm - 9:45 pmPsalms 120-134 have historically been identified as the “psalms of ascent.” These fifteen psalms were sung by the people of God as they made their way up to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the annual festivals. Thus, you might say that these psalms became the soundtrack for the people of God in the midst of their spiritual journey.
Each of us, all the time, are in the midst of a spiritual journey. Seasons of suffering—like the one we are in right now because of COVID-19—remind us that we are not quite home yet. Thankfully, in the midst of our journey God has not left us to ourselves, but has given us “songs for the road,” a spiritual soundtrack to bolster hope and help and faith as we journey towards the city of God.
Join us on May 20 as we examine these songs for the road and explore what they mean for faithful Christian living today. Register online at the link below.
Zoom - Meeting ID and password will be provided in the class registration confirmation email