Past vision updates
2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2009
2002 Redeemer Vision
Watch this video that outlines Redeemer’s vision for New York City in seven parts.
2003 State of the Vision
2004 State of the Vision
2005 State of the Vision and Vision Campaign
2005 Vision Campaign
Redeemer’s Vision Campaign officially began September 25, 2005.
This campaign had three initiatives to form the next stage in our progress toward the vision:
- Strengthen Redeemer by developing community centers with worship space.
- Reach more people by multiplying our church-planting.
- Build our communities by launching new ministries.
To learn more about these initiatives, visit campaign initiative.
2009 Redeemer Vision Talk and RENEW Campaign
RENEW Campaign
On September 27, 2009, Redeemer launched the RENEW Campaign. This campaign is funding the first phase of our 10-year plan, in which Redeemer will remain one church but will meet as three “generative” congregations in New York City on the East Side, the West Side and Downtown, unleashing more of the leadership potential in our church, and moving out into many neighborhoods across NYC to do the kind of dynamic outreach to friends and service to our neighbors that first brought Redeemer into being. More information is available at RENEW.