Gotham FAQ

We've compiled a brief list of frequently asked questions questions to help you as you consider whether to apply. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any other questions.
How will COVID-19 affect the incoming class of 2022?
The Gotham class of 2022 is going ahead as planned. The entire Gotham class of 2021 has been able to meet in-person with safety protocols in place. If some COVID restrictions remain in place come September when Gotham begins, we will make appropriate adjustments to meet in smaller groups or maintain distance while meeting.
When is the application due?
Admissions for the Gotham Class of 2022 are open until April 30, 2021.
Is there an age limit to apply?
There is no age limit. We accept applicants of all ages as long as he/she has 2 years of post-college work experience.
Who is your ideal candidate?
We look for candidates who are eager to explore the theology, experience the spiritual practices, and develop the committed community that we believe are necessary for understanding God’s redemptive purposes for our work, relationships, and city. Ideal candidates demonstrate spiritual maturity, teachability, commitment to the nine-month program, and commitment to the city.
Is Gotham competitive? How many fellows do you accept each year?
Gotham receives more applications each year than it has spots for fellows. We also try to diversify the class as much as possible, which means that if your industry is over-represented, it might be more competitive. We accept around 50-60 fellows each year, but this can vary.
What is your tuition and what does it cover?
Tuition is $2850 for Redeemer members, $3250 for Redeemer attendees, and $3600 for applicants from neighboring churches. We require a $500 non-refundable deposit if you decide to join the class and the rest of the tuition balance is to be paid in the Fall. The tuition covers all books, retreats, food and beverage for Saturday sessions, and operation costs to run the program.
What if I’m unable to pay the tuition up front?
As much as possible, we do not want financial issues to deter you from participating in the Fellowship. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have additional considerations or concerns.
Do you offer financial aid and how do I apply for that?
All accepted candidates are invited to apply for scholarships by filling out a financial aid form. You are able to apply for a scholarship that will cover a percentage of tuition based on need. Financial aid decisions will be released before your deposit is due. We ask for information regarding your outstanding loans, your projected annual income and supporting documentation (W2, tax returns, or pay stubs) to determine your eligibility. Scholarships are not guaranteed.
What are the attendance requirements?
We require attendance at all three retreats. You are allowed to miss one Saturday session and up to five cohort sessions. We record and video conference our cohort teaching times so if you are unable to make it, you can call in, attend another day, or make up by watching the recording.
What do you recommend for married couples doing Gotham together? Married couples with children?
We ask you to prayerfully consider if it would be beneficial for you and your spouse to go through Gotham together. We have had many married couples go through Gotham together and have had spouses go through Gotham in separate years. We do not provide childcare but we would love to brainstorm with you potential solutions. Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to discuss more. Spouses will have to apply separately from one another.
Should I apply to Gotham if I’m currently unemployed and/or job searching?
We accept applicants in all phases of life. We suggest that you go ahead and apply. When acceptance notices go out, you can then determine if you are able to commit to the program.
What hours are the Saturday sessions?
Typically Saturday sessions are 10am to 5pm (although this can vary), and oftentimes there’s an (optional) dinner afterwards either with the pastoral staff from church or class members.
What is the workload for Gotham?
We understand the time pressures and work demands in a place like New York, so we do our best to cater to busy schedules. It might be best to imagine Gotham as a single college or grad school class. You will have regular weekly cohort meetings as well as classes where you discuss readings and receive instruction. We also have two retreats, a number of Saturday sessions, three projects, and a final commissioning event in New York.