Gospel and Culture Lectures
The Center for Faith & Work is launching this new lecture series to better prepare for effective engagement with our city and culture. The monthly lectures are part of Redeemer’s focus on the Gospel in the World during the 2010-2011 year.
The lecturers who have been selected to be part of this series have all become thought-leaders through their writing, teaching, and work in the world focused on this area of gospel & culture engagement. Our hope is that through these events the church will be awakened to the critical role of work in redemption, broadening our understanding of the gospel beyond the walls of the church. We hope you will join us each month for this exciting and provocative program in Hunter College Auditorium, E. 69th St. btwn Park & Lexington. All lectures begin at 1:00PM and conclude with a time of Q&A. They are free of charge and open to the general public. Further details and full speaker bios are available at www.faithand work.org/gospel&culture.
Oct. 24, 2010: JEFF VAN DUZER—Why Business Matters to God
Nov. 21, 2010 ANDY CROUCH—Creating Power
Jan. 30, 2011: TIM KELLER—Why Work Matters
Feb. 27, 2011: ADRIENNE CHAPLIN—Art Matters for God’s Sake
Mar. 20, 2011: ROBERT GEORGE—Natural Law, God, and Human Dignity
Apr. 17, 2011: OS GUINNESS—Towards a Christian Renaissance
May 22, 2011: JAMES K.A. SMITH—Cultural Liturgies
In our current economic climate, especially in this city, people are constantly thinking about their work. What does the church have to say?
“In nothing has the Church so lost her hold on reality as in her failure to understand and respect the secular vocation. She has allowed work and religion to become separate departments, and is astonished to find that, as a result, the secular work of the world is turned to purely selfish and destructive ends, and that the greater part of the world’s intelligent workers have become irreligious, or at least, uninterested in religion.”– Dorothy Sayers
These are bold words, but many would agree they are as true now as they were when Sayers wrote them in the 1940s. Christians ought to be able to present a powerful vision of work that extends beyond its pragmatic value and passionately connects with the sovereign nature and redemptive purpose of Christ. We cling to the hope and theology that the gospel changes everything—our hearts, our relationships, and the way the world works.
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Articles in this Issue
How to Pray Better in Public and in Private, TooTim Keller |
Hope for New York’s 2010 Grant Distribution—Over 1 Million!Elise Chong |
New Groups for Seekers, Skeptics and Questioners |
Does Your Work Matter to God?David Kim |
Seed for the CityHoward Freeman |
Amazing GraceGreg Nance |
Business Plan CompetitionCalvin Chin |
Unveiled Faces: Artists Reflecting God’s GloryMaria Fee |