"I'm in"

If each community group (CG) is like a single light, New York City is lit up like a constellation. On Tuesday nights, when my CG meets, I wonder about the hundreds of other CGs meeting at the same time. Are they welcoming newcomers to the city? Are they celebrating joys or mourning losses? Are they worshipping God with prayer, song, or service? It’s rare, though, that I know the answers.

But for one night, the entire Redeemer community will come together to form a single bright light. On Monday, February 29, we’ll sing, pray, and laugh at Redeemer Night, we’ll also hear about God’s call on us as Redeemer grows.

To be honest, I’m nervous about our future. I don’t want to think about church being different from what I’m used to or being asked to step up in ways I never have before. Yet this is exactly why I need Redeemer Night. I don’t believe the gospel enough. I depend on human beings too much. I need to come together with all of you to confess my fears, worship the One who says, “Do not be afraid,” and embrace the call, saying, “I don’t need to understand everything to be obedient. I just need to say, ‘I’m in.’”

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