Make a year end gift to support Redeemer Counseling

As our culture becomes more and more individualistic, people are feeling increasingly isolated in their struggles. With this cultural shift, we need the gospel to be more relevant in counseling as people seek therapy to not only alleviate symptoms, but to wrestle with their existential questions of identity and meaning in life.

For nearly 30 years, Redeemer Counseling remains committed to transforming people through gospel-centered psychotherapy from all walks of life. In 2018, we served over 3,000 people through 23,125 sessions, over 65% of which were subsidized by givers like you. We had to refer over 800+ individuals to outside help due to our long waiting list. Demand for gospel-centered counseling continues to grow.

We are grateful that a generous donor has provided a 2X match for all gifts to Redeemer Counseling to Sponsor Clients through December 31, 2019. For example, this means that a $100 gift would bring us $300, and $300 would subsidize 10 counseling sessions. Your support would make it possible for us to continue to engage in God's redemptive work of restoring lives with the truth and grace of the gospel. Redeemer Counseling Services is truly a ministry. We sincerely appreciate your prayers for our counselors and clients as we engage in God’s redemptive work of restoring lives - together with you.

Please consider giving a one-time or recurring gift.

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Articles in this Issue

The Gospel and giving
Tim Keller
The Redeemer Report Newsletter becomes Life in the Gospel Quarterly
Kathy Keller
How HFNY is strengthening our city
Elise Chong
The moment has arrived in Cuba
Pachy Quesada
Join us this advent season!