Officer nomination update

In 1 Timothy 3 Paul is instructing Timothy how to set up the church. He provides screening criteria for both elders and the diaconate, directing that potential leaders be evaluated for gifts, character, and godliness.

All Redeemer members have the privilege to nominate and elect fellow church members to serve on the Session and the Diaconate based on these biblical principles.

During nomination month this past November, the following candidates were nominated and invited to join the training and evaluation process:

Downtown Diaconate nominees:
Susan Lee, Cathy Park and Denise Sohn
Downtown elder nominee:

David Hawkins

East Side Diaconate nominees:
Mark Chang, Shirley Chew, James Rim and Laura Yoshida

East Side elder nominees:
Brandon Straub, Sarat Chanderlapaty and Dave Gurak

West Side Diaconate nominees:
Carolina Funk, Stanley Funk, James Juhn, Leslie Kim and Jordan Tanksley

West Side elder nominees:
Jon Brayshaw, Richard Lai, David Lee and Andy Morgan

Over the years it’s been encouraging to see nominees shifting their initial reaction from “how could I possibly be sufficiently godly, holy, {fill in the blank here} enough to serve as a church officer?” to “what might godly and holy living look like in my life?” Living a godly life involves persisting in faith and following God’s call “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8.

As these women and men enter into a season of training and discernment, please be praying for them, as they will need our prayer support to persist!

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Articles in this Issue

A missionary encounter today?
Tim Keller
From the gutter to a family at Brooklyn Teen Challenge
Corrie Mitchell
A new way to work
Wally Larson, Jr.