Officer Nominations Update

As Redeemer members you have the privilege and responsibility to nominate and elect your fellow members to serve on the Session and the Diaconate. This past November the Session and Diaconate accepted nominations for the roles of elder, deacon and deaconess. Thank you for sending in your nominations! The following members have been nominated and have begun the process of training and evaluation.

Elder Nominees

Victor Chin Kevin Kirn Kamal Sidhu

Deacon Nominees

Brendon Desrochers Drew Hammell Christopher Malynowski Allen Trew Neal Winterhof

Deaconess Nominees

Patricia Davis Nicole Moss Sarah Newell Jean SooPark Amy Peng Perryn Pettus Ashley Phillips Alicia Rainbolt Jane Sung-Sidhu Christine Weible Maggie Winterhof Janie Yoon Please pray for these nominees as they go through training in theology and ministry skills and prepare for their interviews. They will be evaluated on their character, Christian life and experience, theological understanding, and giftedness and readiness to serve the church. The current elders will then determine which individuals will be presented for election at the congregational meeting on May 15, 2011. If you have questions about the nomination, evaluation and training process, please contact Jenny Chang at (917) 206-1407 or [email protected].

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Articles in this Issue

Backlash and Civility
Tim Keller
Lent and Outreach – “P6X40”
David Bisgrove
Why Formal Membership in a Church?
Ramona Garnes
Katherine Leary Alsdorf
“Art Matters For God’s Sake”: CFW Sunday Gospel &Culture Lectures