Redeemer City to City Launches
Redeemer City to City (CTC) is the new organizational name for the Redeemer Church Planting Center (RCPC), Redeemer Labs, and Redeemer CityNet.
CTC focuses on church planting for the renewal of global cities, developing content resources for leaders who seek to bring the power of the gospel to all of life, and a global community of creators and practitioners who adapt and build upon our “DNA” to create new churches, new ventures, and new expressions of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the common good.
Church Planting. For ten years, RCPC has been working with young leaders to start new church movements in key cities of the world.We want to help plant gospel-driven, city-loving, life-giving churches that are appropriate to the context of their neighborhood, culture, and leaders. In our target cities, we recruit, assess, train, coach, connect, resource, and sometimes fund church planters through a variety of programs.
Content Resources. CTC is also a provider of resources designed to help people grow in, and live out, the gospel in the 21st century. Our purpose with these resources is to harness and package Redeemer’s theological and ministry “DNA,” in the form of transferable content and training, so that we can spread it to leaders in global cities and beyond. We’re creating books, curricula, manuals, and a growing library of audio, video, and articles. We hope to provide something for everybody, from the professional minister to the urban Christian exploring their faith.
Community. Tying it all together is a global network of gospel practitioners. We will provide platforms for people to connect with and support each other.
The name “City to City” is drawn from American poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, where Whitman marveled at the global ties and communications “welding state to state, county to county, city to city.” Like Whitman, we celebrate the growing connectivity of world cities, and look forward to what we will learn from each other.
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Articles in this Issue
The Importance of HellTim Keller |
Global Cities Initiative ConferenceMark Reynolds |
A Fairy Tale Ending |
International Launch of Prodigal Study Package |