Redeemer Summer Mini Courses Are Back!
They began as a way to showcase the wealth of talent in our community and have become some of our most popular events. Last year a dynamic team of volunteer instructors offered hundreds of people 30 different courses—ranging from talks on issues like the plight of child soldiers to crash-courses on hip-hop dancing and gourmet cooking. During the summers most of our ministries offer fewer programs. Through the Summer Mini Courses, though, instructors such as Marion Melton (Tennis Clinic), Kay Bhothinard (Thai Cooking) and William Wu (Investing 101) gave Redeemerites a chance to get together and explore activities, topics, and neighborhoods they may not usually encounter. Several Redeemer staff members also volunteered their expertise to lead Mini Courses, including Sonja Chen (New York City Architecture), Tom Jennings (Jazz 101), and Tim and Kathy Keller. “Tom Jennings was a great teacher,” said a participant in the Jazz 101 course. “In a limited period of time, he covered an extensive history of jazz and gave us a good sampling of music. I loved the idea of going to a jazz club afterwards…” The Mini Courses have also provided opportunities for Redeemer members and attendees to engage with colleagues and friends who may not yet be believers or part of the Redeemer community. “I think they’re…a great chance to bring non-Christians to a ‘church’ event that is ‘non-threatening,’” said one Mini Course attendee who came to the Human Sex Trafficking course with a friend from work. “My co-workers thought it was really unique that my church had courses like this.” This year we want to offer more courses in a wider range of areas, but we can’t do that without your help. Do you have a skill or hobby that you could share with the rest of the church? Would you (or someone you know) be willing to host an event in your home for small to medium-sized groups? If you are willing to teach or host a class, we would love to hear from you. Some suggestions for classes we could develop include: Sports - rock-climbing, golf clinic, The Yankees 101 Justice - poverty, global missions, venture philanthropy Family/Relationships – dating, singleness, raising a family in the city General Skills - photography, cake decorating, songwriting We Heart New York – neighborhood tours, New York in films, Christianity in New York Thank you in advance to everyone who will help teach, volunteer, and participate in this year’s Summer Mini Courses. They’ll be here before you know it! Course proposal forms can be downloaded from our website: Fill out the form completely and email it to [email protected]. Please submit course proposals by Friday, April 4, 2008.
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Our Living HopeDavid Bisgrove |
Easter Sacrificial Offering for HFNY |
Generosity as ArtHoward Freeman |
Hope For New York’s New Executive Director: Elise Chong |