Sr. High Students Plan MissionTrip to Uganda
This August a team of students and leaders from Redeemer’s Senior High Youth Group will travel to Uganda, partnering with the Fount of Mercy organization to help Taost (a school for orphans affected by HIV/AIDS). The school is located in the town of Jinja about an hour’s drive outside of Kampala. The team of 12 is made up of 2 guy leaders, 2 girl leaders, and 8 students (4 girls and 4 guys). They will work with the school daily to introduce the love of Christ into the lives of these orphans, by developing relationships, teaching Vacation Bible School, leading activities, and just hanging out.
As is the challenge with any short-term mission trip, we don’t want this to be just a “once and done” experience. We hope to build lasting relationships with the students and the school that we can carry back to our families, our fellow students and their families. We want to begin something meaningful that extends beyond this summer by forming relationships that continue for years into the future through: an adopt/support a student program, creating a partnership between the Redeemer youth group and its families with the school (providing supplies and other needs regularly), and potentially returning to the school again in the years ahead to provide personal help and encouragement.
There are always questions of cost vs. value when raising large amounts of money to travel overseas, and this trip is no different. But there is no better experience for shaping a student’s view of life and their understanding of the relevance of the Gospel than serving in a place where the needs are so great and the resources are so limited. The team needs your prayers and your support. Please consider praying regularly throughout the summer for our team. Pray for the team’s preparations, safety and health, and for the students and teachers of Taost we will be serving.
Also consider supporting this team. The amount needed to cover costs of travel, lodging, supplies and vaccinations for the entire team is $36,000. If you would like to help, you can sign up on June 15 or 22 after church to sponsor one of the youth group students for the team’s walk-a-thon fund raiser. Or you can make a donation online:
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Articles in this Issue
The Gospel and HumorTim Keller |
More CancerBill Stuntz |
An Uncommon Call for the Common Good: Vision Campaign 2009Bruce Terrell |
The Obtrusive SelfTim Keller |
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