Thank You From Tim Keller

As many of you know already, God once again demonstrated his faithfulness to Redeemer through the congregation’s giving and did so in a way that has made me frankly prouder than I have ever been of this church.

Many of you gave faithfully and even sacrificially to Redeemer during the toughest economic time in decades and enabled us to come within 0.6% of our goal, or $10.7 million. We had expected a shortfall of somewhere between 5% and 10%. What this says to me is that we have a generous, faithful church which values the work we do in New York, and a God who is as present as ever. Let us remember this as we enter another challenging time.

As your pastor, I feel humbled and honored to have witnessed your trust in our Lord this past year. It’s a vote of confidence to all the staff and lay leaders who work so hard, and it is a mandate to work even harder in 2009, when a hurting city will need the gospel more than in recent memory. Thank you. Here’s looking forward to a year of working alongside you to seek the shalom of New York.

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Articles in this Issue

Pharisees With Low Standards
Tim Keller
RCPC Fall Intensive
Melanie Penn
Book Recommendations for Cold Winter Nights
Youth Group to Host “Restaurant Night” to Raise Funds for Orphans in Uganda
Cregan Cooke
Hope for New York’s Christmas Update
Officer Nominations Update
Preaching Schedule Change: Tim Keller Always at the 6:00PM Service