‘Tis the season to support Hope for New York’s His Toy Store

In 1995 Hope for New York created and launched its Christmas outreach “His Toy Store” to provide toys and gifts for families in need across New York City. In recent years, HFNY has worked with affiliates and church partners who provide space to host pop-up stores from Brooklyn to Harlem. Each pop-up store is “owned” by a HFNY partner church, and is planned by a volunteer committee from that church.

Every fall HFNY staff recruits volunteers, asks our affiliates for toy requests, and identifies different toys for various ages and genders. This way, stores are stocked with toys that reflect the communities we serve. Toys are then delivered to each of the pop-up store and our volunteer committees help with decorating stores, setting up gift tables, and wrapping gifts.

On the day of His Toy Store, parents arrive to rest and shop for toys while their kids are entertained separately with crafts and activities. This year, HFNY’s goal is to purchase over 4300 toys for close to 1800 families. And pop-up stores will be stocked for two Saturdays, December 7 and December 14.

To support His Toy Store, our goal is to raise $95,000 by November 30. So help us stock pop-up stores by giving at hfny.org/hts. The money we raise will go toward supporting families in need during this Christmas season. Extend the joy of giving, which will last beyond Christmas and into the new year!

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